Academic Standing

Academic Standing

Academic Standing

Students must maintain an ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of each fall or spring semester to remain in Academic Good Standing. Changes to your academic status are reflected on your MyASU page and will appear as Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Continuing Probation or Disqualification.  

Academic Warning

  Academic Warning occurs when:

  • A student’s ASU cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00 after grades post for the first semester at the university.

  Students on Academic Warning means:

  • You are not restricted from enrolling at ASU, and it is important to make substantive academic changes to prevent Academic Probation or Disqualification.
  • You need to reflect on what went well and what you need to improve to be successful.
  • UNI 220 is now a graduation requirement for Tempe campus students who have a cumulative GPA below a 2.0. You should enroll in UNI 220 the semester after being placed on your cumulative GPA drops below a 2.0.
  • ASU Online students are strongly encouraged to enroll in UNI 220.
  • You should schedule an appointment with an academic advisor as soon as possible.

Academic Probation and Continuing Probation

   Academic Probation occurs when:

  • A student on Academic Warning does not achieve an ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 for a second consecutive semester; or…
  • A student’s ASU cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 after the first semester.

   Continuing Probation occurs when: 

  • A student already on Academic Probation does not achieve an ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher, but...
  • The student earns a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher in the most recent semester.

   Academic Probation and Continuing Probation means:

  • You may continue taking classes at ASU.
  • A hold is placed on your account which will prevent future enrollment.
  • You must successfully complete a Canvas Academic Success Planner, after which your enrollment hold will be removed. 
  • UNI 220 is a graduation requirement for Tempe campus students who have a cumulative GPA below a 2.0 . You should enroll in UNI 220 the semester after your cumulative GPA drops below a 2.0 unless you have successfully completed this requirement in a prior semester.
  • ASU Online students are strongly encouraged to enroll in UNI 220.
  • You are at risk of Disqualification which will prevent you from continuing at ASU during future semesters. 
  • You should contact your academic advisor if you need instructions on how to complete the Canvas Academic Success Planner and for any other schedule or academic standing questions. 


Disqualification occurs when:

  • A student on Academic Probation or Continuing Probation is unable to achieve an ASU cumulative or semester GPA of 2.00 while on Academic Probation or Continuing Probation.

Disqualification means:

  • You are restricted from enrolling at ASU in future fall/spring semesters. If you are already enrolled in coursework for the next semester, those courses will be administratively dropped. Courses during summer sessions will not be dropped.
  • You must sit out a minimum one fall or spring semester.
  • Readmission to the university must be approved before returning to ASU.
  • You are eligible and encouraged to enroll in summer coursework at ASU to improve your cumulative GPA. To enroll in summer coursework:
    • Students disqualified after a spring semester may enroll in the immediate summer session without completing a readmission application. Readmission to ASU for fall will be considered based on summer grades/progress. 
    • Disqualified students who have been absent from ASU for at least one fall or spring semester will need to apply for readmission for the next fall session. This approved readmission application will result in eligibility to register for summer session. Readmission to ASU for the fall will be considered based on summer grades/progress.