Futures Center

Futures Center

 Empowering futures through liberal arts and sciences.

Welcome to the Futures Center at The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences — your hub for turning academic passions into purposeful careers. 

Through tailored advising, career-focused programming and hands-on experience, we’re here to help you achieve academic, professional and personal success and empower you to navigate your future with confidence.

For prospective students and alumni, we invite you to explore our career outcomes and alumni resources web pages.

A student worker at the Child Development Lab engages in kitchen pretend play with preschool students.

Your future starts here.

As a student at The College, your opportunities are endless. The Futures Center has developed a toolkit of resources designed to help you land your dream job.

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Real-world experience

Internships, studying abroad, research and part-time employment offer valuable training and experience that set you apart from other job applicants. Learn how to find and apply for these opportunities.

Learn more

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Pre-professional advising

The College helps more students get accepted to medical school and law school than any other college at Arizona State University. Take advantage of Pre-Health and Prelaw Advising to reach your professional goals.

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Your roadmap to success

The College’s undergraduate career roadmap can help you identify and achieve your goals. Get helpful insights on how to explore, develop, experience and launch a successful and fulfilling career. 

Learn more

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Career resources library

ASU Career Services, The College and our academic units provide robust career resources, from resume assistance to mock interviews to job market insights and more. Browse a curated list of helpful links.

Learn more

Get one-on-one support.

The Futures Center has a team of staff available to help you with any questions. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our team members below. 

You can also stop by our office on the first floor of Armstrong Hall or email futurescenter@asu.edu


Kayla Johnson

Program Manager, Pre-Professional Advising


Nicki Langley

Pre-Health Advisor


Mary Nadarski

Senior Director, Futures Center


Andrea Noguez

Prelaw Advisor


Elizabeth Tirkas

Director, Career Integration

Additional resources