Schedule of Actions

2024-25 Schedule of Academic Personnel Actions

Post-Tenure Review (College-level report, no unit action required)Action Item
June 16, 2024Due to Provost's Office
All Promotion, Continuing Appointment and Tenure Recommendations 
Sept. 18, 2024Due in Dean's Office
Dec 6, 2024Due in Provost's Office
May 12, 2025Notification Deadline for Promotion, Tenure
and Continuing Appointment Decisions
Sabbatical Leave Applications (for approved leave during 2024-25) 
Oct. 1, 2024Due in Dean's Office
Dec. 16, 2024Notification Deadline
Progress Toward Tenure (All tenure-track faculty not going through Probationary or Promotion & Tenure Review) 
Dec. 6, 2024Due in Dean's Office
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty and Academic Professionals 
Dec. 2, 2024Due in Dean's Office
Mar. 3, 2025Due in Provost's Office
May 12, 2025Notification Deadline for Terminations
Promotion of Career-Track Faculty and Academic Professionals (not on track) 
Jan. 3, 2025Due in Dean's Office
Mar. 3, 2025Due in Provost's Office
May 12, 2025Notification Deadline
Review for Renewal of Multi-Year Appointments 
Jan. 3, 2025Due in Dean's Office
Mar. 3, 2025Due in Provost's Office
May 12, 2025Notification Deadline
Annual Performance Evaluations 
March 31, 2025 - Distribute annual evaluation letters to all faculty and academic professionals via ASU emailNotification Deadline
Apr. 14, 2025 - Signed evaluation letters and completed Annual Evaluation Report (spreadsheet)Due in Dean's Office
Evaluation of Conditional Contracts for the Current Year 
Mar. 2, 2025 
Emeritus Status 
At the beginning of the final semester.