Policies and Procedures

State budget changes (A1s)

All A1 documents involving state accounts within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must be processed by your college dean BOM. Please submit your request by email with any backup documentation to your appropriate BOM. We will process the document and provide a copy to the unit.

Local budget changes (A1s)

All A1 documents modifying the pre-loaded budget on all budgeted local accounts within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must be processed by your college dean BOM. Please submit your request by email with any backup documentation to your appropriate BOM. We will process the document and provide a copy to the unit.

Startup worksheets

Startup worksheets for new hire and continuing faculty who still has startup funds available are to be sent to your College of Liberal Arts and Sciences dean business operations manager.

Startup budget profiles along with new startup worksheets will be sent to the financial administrator in the unit. This will include a list of new and ongoing commitments with current balance information.

Please anticipate that startup will once again be allocated in state funds with the exception of tuition remission. It is important to work with faculty on a continuous basis to manage these funds throughout the fiscal year.

All purchases must comply with ASU policies and procedures and are university property. Please refer to the following link for updated information on purchasing policies.

Telecommuting guidelines and considerations

Telecommuting is an option that may be provided to employees when it meets the business purpose of the unit. The Office of Human Resources has a useful document that should be the referenced when a telecommute agreement is being contemplated. Please refer to telecommuting guidelines and considerations.

Prior to finalizing any telecommuting agreement (form is provided on the site above) with an employee, the request should be reviewed by the Dean’s Office to ensure that all aspects of the business needs of the unit have been considered and that the terms of the agreement are in compliance with all relevant university policies. Forward requests to your Divisional Director who will discuss with the relevant dean or our HR partner if necessary

Dean and VP/provost approvals are required on reimbursements to employees over $1,000

See policy reference FIN 420-01.

  • After entering any PV's that are reimbursements to your employees greater than $1,000, please send original documents with backup to your college dean BOM. A justification as to why they did not go through the business office staff for purchasing should be attached as well as a statement that indicates the employee is aware of the policy and that future purchases will be handled through the department staff.
  • Once received, your BOM will review, obtain dean-level signature and then forward to the Provost Office for VP-level approval.
  • The Provost Office generally returns the documents to the Dean's Office and we will forward on to accounts payable through our courier service. If you would like to have it returned to you before sending to A/P, please let your BOM know.

P-card information

The following P-card related reviews and requests will require dean-level review and/or approval:

  • P-card statements where the cardholder is the chair/director must be reviewed by your college dean BOM. As the chair/director is the supervisor of staff in the unit, it is recommended that someone under the cardholder's supervision is not the third-party reviewer. Your BOM will review, sign as third-party reviewer and then return to the unit. This should be done within 10 days of receiving the statement.
  • P-card statements where the cardholder is the P-card manager, and their supervisor is the chair/director, must be reviewed by your college dean BOM. The primary responsibilities of the chair/director often do not include in-depth knowledge of financial policies and procedures and therefore it is recommended that someone who has full knowledge of financial policies is the third-party reviewer. Your BOM will review, sign as third-party reviewer and then return to the unit. This should be done within 10 days of receiving the statement.
  • Establishing a P-card manager for the unit requires dean-level review and approval. Please submit all P-card manager agreement forms to your college dean BOM for review and approval. Due to P-card manager responsibilities including an in-depth knowledge of financial policies and procedures, it is not recommended that chairs/directors serve as P-card manager. If your unit is small with only one financial staff member and they are the primary cardholder, your college dean BOM can be listed as your P-card manager.