All new hires and position/job changes require offer letters once final approval is given.
Hiring Procedures
- Faculty Associate Hire Process
- Post-Doc Hire Process
- Graduate Student Hiring
- Student Hourly Hiring
- CLAS Summer Salary Action Matrix (approvals and process)
Job Change Procedures
Following are the steps for hiring University Staff.
STEP 1: Position Ready for Recruitment (Position Management - PeopleSoft)
In position management, either modify or create a new position and mark it ready for recruitment, filling out all fields as appropriate. This guide is available for this step in the process.
*** Please note that certain staff hires will also require Provost approval. Review the position workflow at the bottom of your screen after you submit for approval to determine if additional approvals are needed. If Provost approval is required, please email your Divisional BOM providing the details of the hire and the justification. Your BOM will obtain Dean/Provost approval and the email trail will be used as backup for the approval process within PeopleSoft.
STEP 2: Posting Job – All the way to Hire (Kenexa BrassRing)
Follow all remaining steps as outlined in the Kenexa BrassRing resources and guides available. Please refer to these resources for instructions of how to proceed with each step.
HR-Recruitment Website & Kenexa BrassRing
*** Your CLAS Divisional BOM may request to be added to the requisition team in BrassRing on positions that have high level financial or HR duties, or may request other CLAS Dean staff to be added such as an OSAP representative for advisor searches. We will notify you upon approving your position if this is the case. It is also recommended that the requisition team includes a person that can back up the hiring manager if necessary. This may also be your Divisional BOM in cases where another staff member is not available or appropriate.
Additional questions regarding this process may be directed to:
HR Recruitment:
General email DL.ORG.HR.Staffing
CLAS Recruiter, Daniel Klug (480) 965-9841
Following are the steps for a Waiver of Recruitment Hiring Process. Please note the following items before submitting a Waiver of Recruitment for a staff position:
Long-term, temporary (not to exceed 24 months) and permanent positions may require approval of the Executive Director of Equity and Inclusion.
If you are submitting a waiver for a research staff position please consider the following questions and include the answers in your justification.
- What makes the research the PI is conducting specialized to ASU?
- Is there any other candidate in the country who would be qualified for this position in this specific research area?
- What are the specialized qualifications this candidate has that makes him or her the only potential hire for this specific research area?
- If the candidate is a former student employee, are there, or were there other students in the lab who are just as qualified as this candidate? If not why?
Please do not include as part of the waiver justification that there is an immediate need to fill the position.
Steps to conduct a waiver of recruitment:
STEP 1: Position Ready for Recruitment (Position Management - PeopleSoft)
In position management, either modify or create a new position and mark it ready for recruitment, filling out all fields as appropriate. Scope of search will be listed as a waiver of recruitment. This guide is available for this step in the process.
*** Please note that certain staff hires will also require Provost approval. Review the position workflow at the bottom of your screen after you submit to determine what additional approvals are needed. If Provost approval is required, please email your Divisional BOM providing the details of the hire and the justification. Your BOM will obtain Dean/Provost approval and the email trail will be used as backup for the approval process within PeopleSoft.
STEP 2: Posting Job – All the way to Hire (Kenexa BrassRing)
Follow all remaining steps as outlined in the Kenexa BrassRing resources and guides available. Please refer to these resources for instructions of how to proceed with each step.
Kenexa BrassRing Processing steps
Additional questions regarding this process may be directed to:
HR Recruitment:
General email DL.ORG.HR.Staffing
CLAS Recruiter, Daniel Klug (480) 965-9841
Submit the CLAS Promotion/Salary Action Request Form and employee resume to your CLAS Dean Business Operations Manager (BOM). If the position is changing benefits eligibility status, you will need to promote to a new position number. You may use the HR Business Center website as a resource in determining the appropriate classification.
Your BOM will review with the Dean and Human Resources. If approved, the BOM will send the completed form back to the department for further processing.
- Please note that all promotions/reclassifications requesting more than a 20 percent increase will require Provost approval. To obtain Provost approval, send an email to your CLAS Dean Business Operations Manager detailing specifics and justification for the increase as well as the form.
- At this time the Provost has indicated that salary increases will only be approved if part of a reclassification/promotion.
Create a promotion letter for the employee using the templates on HR’s website.
Follow the processing steps listed on the HR Business Center website for updating job data screens in PeopleSoft for promotions and ad hoc salary changes.
Please refer to the HR calendar for PTR deadlines.