Graduate Degrees

With the foundational knowledge you acquire in this program, you'll be ready to pursue licensure in the field of addictions.

The MS program in addiction psychology pairs state-of-the-art research from internationally recognized experts in addictions with clinical expertise from licensed psychologists and licensed addiction counselors who have decades of experience providing addiction treatment.This program provides the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for graduates to pursue state licensure for becoming an addiction counselor.

Graduate Certificate

American Studies

If you are interested in the different experiences that make up the United States, exploring the global impact of the U.S., and how diverse communities work together to achieve social change, this program is for you.

Graduate Certificate

Applied Prevention Science

You can help meet the growing demand for a well-trained mental health workforce, whether at home or abroad. As a prevention specialist, you would be trusted to innovate and promote positive health outcomes for youth and families across diverse service delivery sectors. This certificate program sets you on that path.


Biology, MS

Deepen your knowledge about the life sciences and build strong conceptual foundations in frontier areas of modern biology.


Communication, MA

Are you ready for the next step in your career? Do you want to improve your leadership abilities? Effective communication is the skill most highly valued by employers. By continually working to improve your communication skills, you can build stronger relationships, advance your career and achieve your personal goals.

Graduate Certificate

Computational Life Sciences

Join in the transformation that new types and amounts of data are bringing to the life sciences. You can learn computational methods that complement traditional bench-based approaches, allowing you to arrive at novel insights, and you'll gain the knowledge and skills you'll need when applying computational techniques in life sciences research.

Join in the transformation that new types and amounts of data are bringing to the life sciences. You can learn computational methods that complement traditional bench-based approaches, allowing you to arrive at novel insights, and you'll gain the knowledge and skills you'll need when applying computational techniques in life sciences research.


English, MA

Study with award-winning faculty in a dynamic, multidisciplinary English department. Fulfill your interests with coursework focused on exciting inquiries into culture and language, digital literacy, environmental studies, film analysis, linguistics, medieval and early modern cultural studies, or young adult literature. Take advantage of internship and professional development opportunities.

Whether you wish to prepare for a rewarding human services career or enhance the one you have, you can do so with this program. Deepen your understanding of families, individuals, relationships and yourself, and focus your training in an area that interests you.

Complete your degree in one or two years in a program ideal for working professionals and lifelong learners looking to develop media literacy training in film, television and digital media. Faculty for this program include noted scholars in fields across film and media.

Gain a deeper understanding of gender issues and receive advanced training in gender-related research. This program offers you an intersectional, transdisciplinary approach to finding practical solutions for real problems and teaches skills that you can apply in a wide range of nonacademic careers.

The MAS program in geographic education provides teachers with the opportunity to obtain specialized experience in geographic pedagogy. The degree program is intended for K-12 teachers and is appropriate for both elementary and secondary school teachers.


Geography, MA

Come discover geographical sciences at ASU. This program offers a unique learning environment that places your focus on location --- the heart of geography, urban planning, climatology and geographic information science. With that foundation, you can tackle some of the most pressing environmental and societal challenges facing our world today.


Global Health, MS

Are you concerned about global health issues? Passionate about changing the world? Go beyond fighting disease and health disparities by digging deeper into their sociocultural and evolutionary roots. Pick up where medical practice leaves off, and create evidence-based, contextually informed and far-reaching solutions to localized and universal health concerns.

Learn from world-class faculty with expertise in a variety of security-related fields. You'll benefit from their firsthand experience as well as the academic rigor of challenging, interesting and relevant coursework.

You can deeply understand the issues that shape the complex contemporary global political environment through firsthand experience and the academic rigor of challenging, interesting and relevant coursework on contemporary issues, taught by world-class faculty from across the spectrum of security-related and foreign policy fields.


Global Security, MA

Learn from a world-class faculty of global thought leaders, seasoned practitioners and scholars from security-related fields. You'll have firsthand experience paired with the academic rigor of challenging, interesting and relevant coursework.


History, MA

Pursue topics which spark your passion, and study the geographic locations and time periods that interest you. The intensive coursework allows you to acquire skills for whatever career you decide to pursue.

Graduate Certificate

Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Have you ever wondered where the phrase "never forget" comes from? Through the study of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity, you will gain a foundation to educate others and assess responses to genocides in the world today.

Create community-centered, strength-based approaches for Indigenous students and communities. Learn about education policies and practices, Indigenous-serving programs and initiatives, and advancing community-centered goals through a culturally relevant curriculum.

Learn practical, character-driven leadership skills and gain a strong foundation in international affairs and U.S. foreign policy in this program taught by experienced professionals.

Learn to understand how people think about politics, develop political attitudes, process political information and make decisions about political matters.

Learn how the patterns of social relationships and social interactions impact individuals, family members and workers.

Are you interested in language and the pursuit of an exciting career teaching English anywhere in the world? This flexible program (offered in-person or online) is supported by supervised internships, and you'll work closely with expert faculty in linguistics and applied linguistics to develop your professional skills and knowledge.

Want to make an impact? Prepare to enter the workforce, become a leader in the planning profession and impact your community. Through small classes and practical projects, this two-year professional degree program equips you to solve complex issues in diverse communities.

ASU faculty, historians of the National WWII Museum, and valuable archival resources provide you with an in-depth understanding of the effects of World War II on current and future world events. This first-of-its-kind online program is a distinct partnership between ASU and the National WWII Museum.