The College Leaders

The College Leaders

Annual recognition of outstanding alumni.

The College Leaders program honors alumni in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences divisions for their business, research and community service achievements.

In addition to giving recognition to outstanding professional and personal accomplishments, The College Leaders highlights the value of a liberal arts degree and the breadth of possibilities for graduates of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Five diamond-shaped acrylic trophies lined up on a table.


Meet the 2023 honorees.

This year’s leaders have made an impact on health care, minority representation in STEM, leadership development and more.

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Portrait of Amylou Dueck.

Amylou Dueck

Vice Chair of Quantitative Health Sciences, Mayo Clinic
MS in statistics, 2002; PhD in statistics, 2005. 

"I developed a passion for statistics at ASU. At Mayo Clinic, I've been fortunate to utilize this expertise, collaborating with dedicated colleagues to design and analyze research studies that directly impact patients' lives."

Portrait of Rabih Gholam.

Rabih Gholam

Head of Alternative/Unscripted, Innovation Artists Agency
BA in history, 1996. 

"My experiences at ASU shaped my work ethic and decision-making processes that have stayed with me my entire career. Because my professors and peers allowed me to fail, I learned that a growth mindset was the only way forward — if you're not making mistakes, you're not trying hard enough."

Portrait of Jesse Jones.

Jesse Jones

Retired professor, Baylor University
PhD in chemistry, 1963. 

"Whatever success I’ve enjoyed is because I was given strong mentors throughout my career. They set an example for me early in my career, nurtured me and saw hope and promise. Students today need the same. They need someone they can look up to and admire."

Portrait of Jodi Low.

Jodi Low

Founder and CEO, U & Improved
BA in communication, 1994. 

"My years at ASU allowed me to uncover and thus pursue my greatest passion, developing people.... I developed the framework to understand how and why we interact in the ways we do. This became the solid bedrock upon which I built my company."

Portrait of Grace O'Sullivan.

Grace O'Sullivan

Vice President for Corporate and Economic Development, ASU Knowledge Enterprise
BS in justice studies, 2005; MBA, 2010. 

"Majoring in justice studies set me up with a robust intellectual foundation, paving the way for a dynamic career journey. ... Most importantly, it taught me to be empathetic and critical."


Explore decades of outstanding alumni.

Since 1997, The College Leaders program has recognized over 85 alumni from across divisions, disciplines and decades. Review all previous honorees below.

Previous honorees by year

Seth Dobrin
BS in microbiology, 1995; PhD in molecular and cellular biology, 2000.

Jennifer Kaplan
BA in communication, 1996.

Steve G. Gillen
BA in history, political science and Russian, 1993.

Madeleine Goldman
BA in English, 1992.

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David Wilson
BS in microbiology, 1998; PhD in microbiology, 2007.

Herman Frazier
BS in political science, 1977.

Lisa Pino
BA in Spanish, 1996; MA in humanities, 1999; JD, 2005.

Lisa Clark
BS in psychology, 1988.

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Laura Bush
PhD in English, 2000.

George “Sonny” Cave
MS in botany and plant ecology, 1982.

Lisa Fernandez
BS in political science, 2009.

Neil Giuliano
BA in communication, 1979; M.Ed. in higher education, 1983.

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Robert Kestelik
BA in Japanese, 1994.

Michael Convey
BA in English, 1982.

Cheryl Najafi
BA in communication, 1992; MA in communication, 1996.

Reyna Montoya
BA in political science and transborder Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, 2012.

Clinton Ang
BS in psychology and BA in computer systems,1994.

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Melanie Katzman
MS in psychology, 1982; PhD in psychology, 1985.

Nikki Halle
BA in communication, 1988.

Charles "Spike" Lawrence
BA in history, 1993.

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Teresa Brandt
PhD in molecular and cellular biology, 2000.

Stephen Roe Lewis
BS in American Indian studies, 2005.

Kara Keenan Goldin
BA in communication, 1989.

Jon Hunter
BS in criminal justice and police science, 1994.

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Nick Lambesis
MA in humanities, 1972; MA in English literature, 1974.

Daniel Kolk
PhD in molecular genetics, 1992.

Najla Arekat
BA in political science, 1997.

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Richard Sher
BA in business, 1975.

James Hutcheson
BS in psychology and sociology, 1978.

Peter Charron
MA in mathematics, 1978.

Karrin Kunasek Taylor
BA in history and political science, 1988; JD, 1994.

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Rachel Sacco
BA in communication, 1979.

Nancy-Jo Merritt
BA in English, 1964; MA in English, 1978.

Linda DiVall
BS in political science, 1974.

Randall Nelson
PhD in chemistry, 1990.

Tina Jonas
BA in political science, 1982.

Kathleen Duffy Ybarra
BA in communication, 1981.

Allison DuBois
BA in political science, 2001.

Barbara Rodriguez Mundell
BA in political science, 1981.

Mark Kerrigan
BS in political science, 1974.

Felisa J. Israel
BS in communication, 1994.

Rigoberto Gonzalez
MFA in creative writing, 1997.

Israel Torres
BA in political science, 1994.

Paulette Risher
BS in psychology, 1972.

Yolanda Collazos Kizer
BA in sociology, 1972.

Doug Burkett
PhD in chemistry, 1994.

Tayari Jones
MFA in creative writing, 2000.

Michael A. Helfant
BS in political science, 1978.

Janet Effland
BA in sociology, 1971.

Linda A. Madrid
BA in political science, 1981.

Thomas K. Richey
BS in psychology, 1979.

Laurie Leshin
BS in chemistry, 1987.

Mario Diaz
BS in political science, 1991; MPA, 1997.

Jose Ronstadt
BAE in Spanish, 1972; MA in Spanish, 1977.

Michelle Hanna
BS in chemistry, 1978.

Stella SiWan Zimmerman
BA in family and human development, 1997.

Rebecca White Berch
BS in sociology, 1976; MA in English, 1990.

Dan Shilling
PhD in English, 1987.

Maurice Portley
BS in political science, 1975.

Richard Koehn
PhD in zoology, 1967.

Kelly Campbell
BA in women's studies, 1996; MPA, 2001; PhD in public administration, 2006.

Brian Swette
BS in economics, 1976.

David Morse
BS in political science and teaching credential, 1973.

Patricia A. Kimball
BS in medical technology, 1974; PhD in microbiology, 1979.

Susan Clouse Dolbert
BA in political science, 1974; MA in communication, 1980; and PhD in public administration, 1994.

John Whiteman
BS in sociology, 1963.

Irwin Sheer
BS in physics, 1981.

Gary Dirks
PhD in chemistry, 1980.

Melinda Sue Gordon
BA in sociology, 1978.

Andrea Schaffell
BA in Spanish, 1981.

Paul Manera
MAE in geography, 1963; MA in geography, 1967; PhD in geography, 1982.

Vada O. Manager
BS in political science, 1983.

R. Christopher Goodwin
PhD in anthropology, 1979.

Steve T. Kirby
BS in political science, 1974.

Pam Del Duca
BAE in physical education, 1968.

Gary Aden
PhD in chemistry, 1981.

Jan Soderstrom
BS in liberal arts; MS in marketing,1970.

Cheryl Shavers
BS in chemistry, 1976; PhD in chemistry, 1981.

Robert Hecht-Nielsen
BS in mathematics, 1971; PhD in mathematics, 1974.

Floyd English
MS in physics, 1962; PhD in physics, 1966.

Joel Empie
BS in geology, 1960.

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