Undergraduate Degrees


Actuarial Science, BS

Learn to examine risk through the lens of mathematics, and enjoy a career that enables you to devise creative solutions that minimize risk and maximize reward.

Explore important issues facing African-descended peoples from different historical, cultural, sociological, political and psychological perspectives, and allow passion and knowledge to shape how you benefit others in a variety of areas.

How can Indigenous sovereignty, sustainability and human rights lead to innovative solutions to real-world problems? Make a difference in local, national and global communities by discovering the knowledge, experiences and perspectives of American Indian nations and Indigenous peoples worldwide.

What is America? What is the American experience? How do the answers to these questions vary depending on who is being asked? Learn to think deeply and critically about these questions and about the role of the U.S. in matters near and far.


Anthropology, BA

Are you intrigued by the wider world? Do you want to understand the big picture of humans in all times and all places? Become a changemaker ready to help make the world a better place.


Anthropology, BS

Are you torn between which to study: history or biology? You can explore both while learning about human origins, ancient cultures and what it means to be human. Gain in-depth knowledge of human evolution, adaptability and behavior, and you'll have an edge when pursuing your chosen career.

Immerse yourself in the history of East Asia. Whether it's the Forbidden City of China or the mountain temples of Japan, study the histories of bustling cities in this region, and gain insight into the culture today while preparing for your future career.

Explore the history of South Asia, from the Ganges River of India to the ancient cultures of Pakistan. Examination of transdisciplinary issues of the past will give you a clear understanding of current and future matters in South Asia --- an understanding that will complement any career you pursue.

Dive deep into the history of Southeast Asia, from the beaches of Vietnam to the ornate temples of Thailand. Explore the region through transdisciplinary courses, and examine contemporary political, social and cultural issues in Asia to gain a strong understanding that will aid you in any career you pursue.

China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations and newest economic giants. When you study Chinese language and culture, you'll gain a competitive edge in the dynamic frontier of international business and relations, as well as the arts and sciences.

Studying Japanese opens the door to a variety of new career paths, experiences and opportunities for personal growth, career development and global exploration. Whether you are interested in foreign service, teaching, international business, diplomacy, science and technology, entertainment or anything in between, knowledge of Japanese takes you anywhere.

Engage in the histories and experiences of one of the fastest growing ethnic communities in the U.S., and examine how those experiences reflect local and global processes affecting our society and communities. Develop valuable analytical and applied skills via community-focused research and engagement.

Explore humanity's place in the universe, from a near-Earth orbit to the edge of the observable universe. In the process of your scientific inquiry, you develop critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills.


Biochemistry, BA

Discover the secret chemical processes of living organisms at the molecular and atomic levels. Through courses in the physical sciences, life sciences and liberal arts, you build life and problem-solving skills that prepare you for a wide range of careers.


Biochemistry, BS

Explore the mysteries of life at the molecular and atomic level with hands-on lab experiences and problem-solving skills through a range of courses in the physical, quantitative and life sciences.

Learn about the molecular processes of life and how medicines work at this level to benefit human health. The conceptual and hands-on skills you gain through the molecular and life sciences courses are tailored for pre-health and pre-medical students, serving as your gateway to a dynamic career or medical school.

Are you captivated by the variety and wonder of life? Are you curious about how organisms grow, interact and affect each other? Build a strong foundation of knowledge, critical thinking skills and key lab techniques that will launch your career in science, health care and research.

How does science shape the way we understand our world? Explore the social context of science while developing the skills needed to navigate the ethical complexities of scientific discovery. Discover how policy decisions are shaped by biological research, and investigate the significance of the sciences in understanding our complex world.

Are you passionate about health care and biomedical research? Are you eager to experience groundbreaking research and understand the process of scientific discovery? Build a strong pre-health foundation of knowledge, critical thinking skills and key lab techniques that will give you a valuable edge in your career.

Are you concerned about environmental challenges such as climate change and habitat destruction? Are you curious about how organisms interact with one another and their physical surroundings? Dive in and apply a biological approach combined with human perspective to develop a deep understanding of the complex problems threatening our world.

Are you fascinated by how genes can affect change in organisms at the cellular level? Are you curious about how genetic information is organized and transmitted across generations? Experience the excitement of scientific discovery and gain the critical thinking skills and key lab techniques that will launch your career.

Are you fascinated by animal behavior? Are you interested in making scientific discoveries at the laboratory bench and in the field? Dive in and build the strong foundation you need to launch your career in neuroscience, health care, veterinary medicine or biomedical research.

Are you interested in quantitative sciences but also have a passion for understanding life? Learn how physics, chemistry and biology intersect, and prepare to solve today's mysteries in life sciences and medicine.

Do you want to help tackle current societal challenges related to energy, environment, medicine and new materials? Explore hands-on laboratory experiences that unlock the power of atomic and molecular solutions while cultivating vital critical thinking and problem-solving skills for diverse career paths.


Chemistry, BS

Explore the world of chemistry and craft a better future. Dive into hands-on laboratories and unleash your passion to tackle contemporary challenges in materials, medicine, energy, technology and beyond.

Solve today's environmental changes and unleash your potential to benefit the planet with hands-on lab experiences that allow you to delve into eco-friendly solutions. Master environmental chemistry, crafting a foundation for critical thinking, problem-solving and an Earth-conscious perspective.

Do you want to help reshape society? With the skills you gain from this solid academic foundation, you'll leave ASU prepared to meet today's challenges --- whether you create foreign or domestic policy, build a nonprofit that strengthens communities or lead a business that impacts the lives of many.

Whether your dream career includes helping to create foreign or domestic policy, building a nonprofit or leading a business, gain the skills you'll need to meet the challenges.


Communication, BA

Learn the deep critical thinking skills that will enable you to build strong relationships and communities, and become an effective leader.


Communication, BS

Explore the complex role of human communication in everyday life, and gain the critical analytical skills that will be valuable assets in the workplace and beyond.

Do you have a passion for math and a desire to apply it to practical challenges? As you discover applications of mathematics through the use of computational technology, you'll gain skills to solve today's most complex problems.

Prepare to meet the challenges of the future in this unique and innovative degree program. You'll improve your cultural competence and harness new and emerging technology to develop humanistic solutions to environmental, societal and global issues.


Data Science, BS

The shortage of data analysts in the U.S. is growing. In this high-demand field, you'll be able to impact the world in areas such as predicting consumer behavior, detecting fraud, improving manufacturing processes and analyzing medical images. Data science has exciting applications to any industry.

Explore today's most pressing challenges in environmental health, climate change and natural resources, and develop your capacity to improve the human condition, both present and future. Develop critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills as you become an environmental steward and changemaker.

Explore the foremost issues currently confronting scientists in ecological well-being, climate dynamics and natural resources, and develop your capacity to improve the human condition, both present and future. Develop critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills as you become a master learner and change-maker.

Learn about our planet, solar system and universe by combining science, engineering and education. You could be involved in building space-flight hardware; making astronomical observations; discovering new microbes; exploring volcanoes, oceans and glaciers; investigating Earth climate interactions; and setting the stage for a new era of exploration.

How do "living worlds" work? Explore the complex connections between life and planetary systems. Learn how astronomy, biology, geology and chemistry combine to shape the habitability of planets and Earth's extreme environments. Discover how to detect life on other planetary bodies or in remote environments on Earth.

Do you want to be at the edge of exploration, making new discoveries about our planet, our solar system and our universe? Explore cosmology, design and build space-flight hardware and engineer new instruments for telescopes and satellites.

Cross the boundaries of science and engineering while preparing for a new era of exploration. Learn to build space-flight hardware, engineer solutions to explore extreme environments and take a systems-based approach to scientific discovery.

Explore Earth's past, present and future. Study natural hazards, the distribution of critical minerals and the record of Earth system evolution. Apply this knowledge to help find sustainable solutions for the energy and resource needs of human civilization and to mitigate the effects of natural hazards and climate change.


Economics, BS

When you're equipped with the rigorous tools that enable you to analyze human behavior, evaluate policies and make informed market predictions, you'll be ready to apply your knowledge of economics to areas as diverse as the price of gasoline and the effects of immigration.

Economics examines how societies, businesses and individuals deal with scarcity. This concentration adds the insights of political science to policies such as antitrust, taxation, environment and health care. Understanding the connections between these fields can prepare you to appreciate and engage in economic and public policymaking decisions.

Deepen your understanding of literature, write more persuasively and develop your creative and critical skills. If you have a passion for reading and writing, the major in English will allow you to study what you love and provide you with the knowledge and skills to excel in any career field.

Develop a literary voice that serves your academic, professional and artistic goals. Renowned, award-winning writers guide your engagement in supportive and rigorous workshops that enable your expressive growth.

Prepare yourself to thrive in a global society by exploring the origin and use of language in a variety of cultures. Enter an exciting field of study that prepares you for a multitude of careers.

Travel a world of literature as you read and analyze classic and modern texts. Begin your adventure here, where your studies will expose you to new cultures and perspectives while encouraging you to consider humanity and your place within it.

Develop a multifaceted understanding of how to craft compelling narratives to advance career, community and personal objectives. Guided by award-winning storytellers and thought leaders, you can opt for courses that offer specific training in skills like podcasting, screenwriting and publishing, or others that focus on literary and media analysis.

Inspire the minds of future leaders by teaching English at the high school level. Leading education scholars will mentor you in methods of teaching English, which you'll put to use during professional field experiences and student teaching, preparing you for certification in the state of Arizona.

Learn to create compelling arguments, engage in collaborative problem-solving and transform words into action. This program is for those who want to be on the cutting edge of knowledge, using technology, language and design to make a lasting impact.

Do you have a passion for helping children and families succeed? Learn foundational concepts related to the stages of human development and relationships. With these skills, you'll be prepared to improve lives and promote healthy relationships in a human-centered career.

Do you wonder how film and media shape our ever-changing world? Explore how film and media are made and interpreted and how they impact our society through courses that engage with the creative, historical and technical practices of film and media.


French, BA

Did you know that French is the fifth most spoken language in the world? An understanding of the French language and its renowned foods, cultures, communities and customs prepares you for a career of adventure and creativity as a globally informed citizen.

Discover a deeper understanding of gender issues through exceptional interdisciplinary training necessary to apply a gender lens to your career. Through integrating critical thinking, problem-solving and research skills, you'll be equipped to face today's challenges.

Learn skills to better understand the concept of location as it relates to current issues facing our global society, and be ready to help solve some of the most pressing challenges facing our world.


Geography, BA

Dive into the phenomena, features and inhabitants of planet Earth. Learn about humanistic and cultural traditions while absorbing the physical aspects of the world, especially climate and landscape dynamics.


Geography, BS

Develop your understanding of climate, landforms and biogeography. Learn about the world around you, from the sky to the bottom of the ocean, and how humans impact landscapes across various geographic regions.

Do you know, from a technical perspective, why storms, monsoons and haboobs build on the horizon? When you better understand climate change, you gain skills for an impactful career as a meteorologist or climatologist.


German, BA

Translate the world from a new perspective by studying German literature, customs, cuisine and more. From its profound history at the center of the Holocaust to its present-day influence on business, film, sustainability and more, Germany and German language and culture provide globally informed perspectives for diverse career paths.

Embark on an enriching journey as you delve into the multifaceted aspects of Asia and Asian cultures as expressed around the world. Whether it's the Taj Mahal of India or Chinatown in San Francisco, you'll study the impact of Asia across the globe in preparation for your future career.


Global Health, BA

Do you want to improve lives around the world by advancing human health? Explore how history, culture and environment intertwine to play a critical role in today's health problems and their solutions. Prepare for a service-oriented career in global health policy, community health practice, disaster management, health education and beyond.


Global Health, BS

Are you concerned about global health issues? Passionate about changing the world? Go beyond fighting disease and health disparities by digging deeper into their sociocultural and evolutionary roots. Pick up where medical practice leaves off and create evidence-based, contextually-informed and far-reaching solutions to localized and universal health concerns.


Global Studies, BA

Study how cultures, economics, institutions and social issues shape our increasingly globalized world. Through a global experience or an internationally focused internship, you'll put your learning to work as you help to address current challenges.


History, BA

Learn about the past while preparing for your future. In one of the largest undergraduate history programs in the country, you can explore a variety of time periods and regions, like ancient Greece and modern Mexico, and topics such as sports, engineering, health, genocide, witchcraft and many more.

Love history? Prepare yourself for a career inside or outside the classroom by developing your skills in abstract and critical thinking, writing, oral presentation and reading comprehension. This program provides a solid foundation for whatever your postgraduate dreams entail.

Are traditional disciplinary pursuits not for you? You can base your study in a technical or scientific area while taking courses in multiple disciplines.

If you're interested in nontraditional disciplinary pursuits, you'll appreciate this opportunity to create a degree program that's all your own, unique to your needs.

The study of diverse languages and cultures, and how they intersect in the past, present and the future, opens the door to a whole new world. As a globally informed citizen, you'll be in demand for a variety of careers and disciplines.

With approximately 420 million speakers around the world, Arabic is rooted in influential and emerging economies, ancient history and modern politics. When you learn this strategic language, you will also gain the cultural intelligence and competency that gives you a competitive edge and a pathway into a number of fields.

Knowing the past gives a new perspective on the present. Once you have studied the myths, history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, you'll always see the big picture, setting you up for success in education, business, law, the arts and more.

Uncover the rich history, philosophy and artistic endeavors of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and gain expertise in their ancient languages. Gain an in-depth understanding of the foundations of modern society that have inspired innovative leaders in the past and present.

Do you want to change the world for the better? Learn about security, intelligence, diplomacy and international trade, law and institutions from faculty experts and policy practitioners. Develop the analytic and communication skills and awareness of global systems to enact meaningful change in the public, nonprofit and private sectors.

Do you want to change the world for the better? Learn about security, intelligence, diplomacy and international trade, law, and institutions from faculty experts and policy practitioners. Develop analytic and quantitative skills to provide data-driven solutions to global challenges and enact meaningful change in the public, nonprofit and private sectors.


Italian, BA

Study Italy's rich history, culture and cuisine and develop research and communication skills that come from fluency in multiple languages. Prepare for a career in one of the many industries influenced by Italian customs and traditions, such as fashion, design, sustainability, manufacturing and more.


Jewish Studies, BA

Cultivate a global and transdisciplinary perspective on the humanities through the lens of the Jewish experience. Develop a nuanced understanding of both Jews and Judaism, as well as the Jewish social and cultural contributions to the societies in which they live, from antiquity until the present.


Justice Studies, BA

Do you want to create meaningful change in the world? Justice studies offers you a broad education in justice, complemented by a solid foundation of liberal arts and social sciences courses that prepare you to promote social, economic and political justice wherever you are.


Justice Studies, BS

Do you believe in promoting social, economic and political justice? Are you looking for the tools to create meaningful change in the world? In this program, you'll have the opportunity to conduct quantitative and analytical research that will lead to better understanding of the complexities of social justice.

Gain a strong foundation in mathematics and prepare for an exciting career as a global citizen.


Mathematics, BS

Attain an extensive education in mathematics and a background focused in science and technology. A combination of mathematical skills and a strong background in the sciences is in high demand for a wide variety of STEM fields.

Do you remember your first teacher who ignited your passion for math? After studying mathematics through the lens of an educator, you'll have the same opportunity to inspire others and open their eyes to the world of mathematics.

Gain the skills to become a successful statistician and apply statistical methods and models to solve practical problems. Learn how to gather, analyze and interpret data to aid in many decision-making processes.


Microbiology, BS

Are you fascinated by the incredible way the tiniest organisms can impact our lives? Are you eager to make a difference in science, health and medicine? Dive in and explore the wonders of microbiology, and set yourself up for success in your future career.

Are you passionate about understanding the way the tiniest organisms impact our lives? Are you eager to make a difference in science, health care or biomedical research? Build a strong foundation of coursework, competencies and critical thinking skills that will prepare you to take on the changing world of medicine.

Are you fascinated by the interplay between biology and technology? Are you eager to make a difference through groundbreaking research? Dive in and explore the rapidly expanding field of biotechnology.


Neuroscience, BS

Discover how the brain and nervous system function to produce behavior, cognition and emotion. Work alongside award-winning faculty in labs at the leading edge of neuroscience research. Spanning four foundational areas of neuroscience, this program will guide you toward a career in health and research-related fields.


Philosophy, BA

Become a better thinker by strengthening your foundational skills, such as reading comprehension, and by developing skills in reasoning and argument construction. Studying philosophy prepares you to answer moral and ethical questions that relate to a variety of careers.

Liberty, equality and justice are the basis of many legal systems. Combining courses of philosophy, law, politics and policy enables you to tackle these topics, and when moral questions arise concerning politics and law, you will be able to explore the answers philosophically.

Natural and social sciences raise interesting philosophical questions. How do science and pseudoscience differ? Can a physical system be conscious? How should we think about climate change and new technologies? Combine your interest in science, nature and the mind with philosophical thinking to better understand our complex world.

Learn nature's most fundamental laws to understand the world around us. Through rigorous foundational coursework, you'll learn to analyze complex problems and gain valuable quantitative reasoning skills that can be applied to any technical field.


Physics, BS

Expand your understanding of the universe on a deep, fundamental level by participating in innovative research areas and cross-disciplinary collaborations that are at the forefront of today's most compelling questions. If you're interested in immediate practical applications, this bachelor's degree program lays the foundation for success.

Are you interested in the physical world yet also have a passion for teaching? In this specialized concentration, you'll gain an excellent foundation in science while building expertise that enables you to fill in-demand opportunities in secondary education.


Political Science, BA

Interested in politics and public issues in the United States and abroad? See yourself heading to law school, working on political campaigns or serving as a diplomat? Springboard your education in preparation for a wide variety of careers, both inside and outside government.


Political Science, BS

Interested in politics and public issues in the United States and abroad? See yourself heading to law school, working on political campaigns or as a diplomat? Springboard your education in preparation for a wide variety of careers, both inside and outside of government.

Would you like a deeper understanding of political and economic problems in the global context? You can gain a solid foundation in both economics and political science while using quantitative analysis and modeling to learn how you can make a difference in addressing important world issues.


Psychology, BA

Uncover, discover and understand behavior. You'll explore the why behind actions and thoughts while learning from top-tier faculty about tackling addiction, enhancing child development, improving the ways people interact with one another, and more.


Psychology, BS

Explore the intersection of psychology and other STEM fields as you investigate how the brain and behavior shape human experiences. You'll learn how to use scientific data and collaborate with faculty to pursue innovative approaches to mental wellness, addiction, aging, memory, social challenges, societal issues such as climate change, and more.

Study the mind, brain and behavior in a research lab. Psychological science immerses you in hands-on learning, enabling you to explore behavior from a scientific perspective and preparing you for impactful careers.

Look around, and you will see religion everywhere. By studying a variety of materials, you gain an understanding of the role of religion in shaping the past, present and future of human societies and cultures --- an understanding that will aid you in any field you decide to pursue.

This major provides you with valuable skills in interdisciplinary research, cross-cultural understanding, empathy, critical analysis and communication. These skills will enable you to address crucial contemporary issues, including globalization, health care, human rights, immigration and the meaning of life.


Russian, BA

Take your place on the world stage by studying Russian. Prepare for a career as a globally informed citizen, having completed an immersive, international experience that shapes your understanding of Russia's past, present and future, and its intersections with other nations and industries across the world.

Are you interested in the study of social interaction and social structures? Gain valuable insight into the underlying institutions that guide human social behavior by learning about culture, relationships and social issues. With these skills, you'll be prepared to understand and serve people and communities.


Spanish, BA

Fluency in Spanish coupled with critical thinking and analytical skills affords you an unparalleled competitive edge in today's job market and our increasingly diverse society. Traveling, living and working in Spanish-speaking communities around the world provides a wide array of personal and professional opportunities for embracing life in a globalized world.

Are you ready to become a leader in the science and technology fields of the future? You'll learn key skills in interdisciplinary research, technology design and collaborative leadership that will prepare you to solve tomorrow's most challenging problems.

Why do people migrate? Learn about migration trends from Latin America to the U.S., immigration issues and policies, and how Latino populations are politically mobilized at the local and national levels.

Latinos make up 19% of the U.S. population, accounting for half of the population growth in the U.S. in the past decade. Become a changemaker in the Latino community and pursue your passions through many fields of study surrounding the transborder experience.

How is the Chicano and Latino population portrayed in popular culture, and why is it important to learn about cultural differences? To gain a deeper understanding of cultural representations, learn from faculty who specialize in literature, queer studies, Chicana feminist theory, communication and media studies, digital humanities and media production.

Are you interested in health equity? Learn about the social determinants of health, the pressing health issues experienced by the Chicano and Latino community, and how to advocate for and work with local and transborder communities.


Urban Planning, BSP

Do you want to shape how our cities, states and communities operate; how people navigate the globe; and how cities are planned for success? Learn about future-changing strategies like alternative transportation, housing diversity and urban revitalization.