Our college's research center administration
Research centers and institutes explore and develop ideas and themes that straddle the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.
Our college's center review process (link to document with additional details)
Center reviews are ultimately the responsibility of the provost. These reviews are internal to the university and do not require outside reviewers. The associate dean for research receives the centers’ self-study reports and will review the packet with the appropriate college divisional dean. The recommendation and review packet will be forwarded to the provost for the final recommendation. The outcome could be continuance, discontinuance or specific requested actions.
Full center reviews: Typically occur every five years, or as requested by the deans. Click here to access the instructions and template for the five-year review document.
Short, review: Two-page document submitted if requested by the college deans. These can be requested at any time and are used for internal college assessment.
Our college's centers and institutes
Listings and links to all approved centers and institutes within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.