Proposal Development

Our goal is to help with the successful submission of a competitive research/scholarship proposal.

How to begin?

Contact your research advancement person, also known as RA, to help you gather the necessary proposal information. About 2/3 of units in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have designated RAs, but you can find your unit's contact by using this link (Find your unit's RA). If your unit is not listed, then send an email to to be assigned a trained RA to will help you through the process. Also, the Institute of Humanities Research, also known as IHR, has excellent RA support for any PI wishing to use them. You are always welcome to contact us for directions.

How do I identify funding opportunities and collaborators?

  • The Office of Knowledge Enterprise and Development, or OKED, has a webpage devoted to funding opportunities. Sign up to receive automatic weekly funding updates.
  • IHR also has links to funding opportunities.
  • If you become aware of a funding opportunity, contact them directly.
  • Use SciVal to find collaborators with expertise you need for your project to be successful!
  • Contact Decision Theater, also known as DT, for help with analytics, data visualization and predictive modeling (see the DT handout)

Relevant proposal preparation information (see also OKED's proposal workflow diagram)

  • If cost-share is required, contact the college as soon as possible as this takes time and units/faculty are expected to contribute. The college will vet the cost share proportions. Please send an email to Vicki Krell who will create a cost-share template and then will send it to associate dean of research to approve.
  • Limited submissions: If a proposal has a restriction for the number of proposals that ASU can submit, it might go through a "limited submission" process for internal review. Please send an email to OKED at and copy the college's executive admin support specialist and associate dean of research.
  • Budget Impact: Please check this list for potential space and facilities impact of your proposal.
  • Should the "chemical box" be checked on the routing form? The attached document describes the rationale.

Requirements for guaranteed proposal submission

  1. Must have all documents submitted to the research advancement point person at least three working days prior to sponsored agency's deadline.
  2. If a subcontract is involved, must have all documents (including subcontractor documents) submitted to the research advancement point person five working days prior to sponsored agency's deadline.
  3. What are the required materials?
    • final budget
    • final technical pieces
    • all required information and materials from subcontractors at other institutions
  4. Consequences of proposals that arrive after deadline?
    • proposals are not guaranteed submission and will be processed behind proposals that meet submission deadlines

Post-award support

Overseen by the units.