"An instructor may withdraw a student from a course with a mark of "W" or "E" when the student's behavior disrupts the educational process. Disruptive classroom behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor." (Student Affairs Manual 201-10).
Whenever possible, the instructor should first discuss the behavioral concerns with the student. An initial conversation allows for the instructor to make behavioral expectations clear and for the student to offer context that may explain their behavior.
If the behavior is determined to be inexcusable and unacceptable the steps below should be followed.
- In consultation with the department chair, or the chair’s designee, the instructor should send an email to the student documenting the student’s disruptive behavior, expectations of modification in behavior and the consequence should the behavior continue (administrative withdrawal from the course)
- If, after sending the written warning, the behavior persists, and with the approval of the department chair or the chair's designee, the instructor may send an email to the student, with copies to the chair/chair's designee, the graduate or undergraduate associate dean in The College and to Office of Student and Academic Programs (TheCollegeDean@asu.edu), informing the student that the instructor is recommending that the student be withdrawn from the class for disruptive behavior. In the letter, the instructor should also indicate that any appeal must be directed to The College by emailing TheCollegeDean@asu.edu
- Upon receipt of the instructor's email, the respective associate dean will review the request. If after review it is determined that the student should be withdrawn from the course, they will send an email to the student, copying the instructor and the chair/chair's designee, confirming the withdrawal and setting a deadline for appeal. The student may appeal the withdrawal by filing a written request to The College by the appeal deadline.
- If there is no appeal, the respective associate dean will forward the withdrawal to the registrar and inform the student, instructor, the chair/chair's designee and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in the Dean of Students Office.
- If the student files an appeal with The College, the associate dean will convene an ad hoc committee to hear the appeal. The decision of the committee is final. The associate dean will send the final decision to the student, with a copy to the instructor, the chair/chair's designee, and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in the Dean of Students Office.
- The instructor may also choose to file a conduct complaint with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities by emailing DeanofStudents@asu.edu.
Note, if the behavior is immediately threatening to the instructor or other students in the learning environment, the instructor should notify ASU Police and request that the student be removed from the classroom.