Office of Budget and Financial Services

The Office of Budget and Financial Services serves as a liaison between the Dean’s Office and operating units within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as well as between the college and university administrative offices. We are responsible for all aspects of financial management at the college level including budget development and salary planning activities; coordination of university budget and payroll exercises; review and approval of various financial and salary actions as dictated by college, university and foundation policies; unit budget oversight; and dissemination of information in a timely manner. We also support the Dean’s Office day-to-day financial and payroll operations.

The divisional structure of our unit ensures we are able to provide appropriate support to all units in the college on an as-needed basis. This includes one-on-one training, monthly lead financial staff meetings, training opportunities on university systems and processes, general advice and counsel. This structure allows for in-depth understanding of the unique characteristics of each unit in order to better address and appreciate the individual needs.

We welcome your comments. Please forward comments and suggestions to any team member.